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Difference between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Regular Schooling

Many kids of today want to pursue their dreams in sports or arts or they go through some kind of crisis and disability but they need not miss out on their academic pursuits. Children can complete 10th and 12th through NIOS board and they are equally qualified to take up College degrees.
NIOS Admission 2024
There are study centers in many regions for students for coaching or group studies. NIOS has email, Telephone, Web or SMS driven Learner Information System. You can get prospectus, syllabus, candidature, study material requisition, list of Universities taking in NIOS students etc. from the web site of NIOS
Whereas in REGULAR SCHOOLING the kids are not bounded by any kind of crisis or disability and so they are go through regular attendance procedures.
A public elementary/secondary school providing instruction and education services that does not focus primarily on special education, vocational/technical education, or alternative education, or on any of the particular themes.

S. N.


Traditional formal schooling

Open Schooling


Entry requirements




Location and duration of transaction


Open: any place and any time (within the permitted span of five years)




Open and life oriented


Teaching-learning transaction

Teacher led and face-to-face instruction

Individualised self-learning materials supported by multi-channel inputs including occasional face-to-face sessions


Teaching-learning materials

Textbooks and occasional teaching aids

Specially prepared self-learning study materials supported by media materials


Pace of studies

Strictly regulated

Self-paced and self-directed


Learner assessment

External sit-in examinations

External sit-in examinations

Advantages of open schooling: 
  • Another positive advantage is that there is more one-to-one support for children. This would help the children more because their parents usually know what they are struggling with and know what support to give to the children.
  • Home school also has an advantage of physical freedom to the children. This means that they can go on family trips to museums, geological centers etc. where they can also learn about the artifacts they find and imply this to their knowledge.
  • One benefit of home schooling is that there are no set lessons so there is freedom to combine subjects and lets ideas flow. This would give the student to make the subject more interesting for himself. An example is combining the subjects history and art. The student might not like history but implying his favourite subject (art) will make the subject more interesting and the student can fully concentrate on his work.
SSCoaching NIOS lucknow centre, helps students get complete information about NIOS board (National Institute of Open Schooling) with coaching classes that prepare students for clearing nios exams, syllabus and tuition for 10th & 12th students of NIOS Board by qualified staff and trainers who have a decades experience of nios curriculum. SS Coaching NIOS lucknow centre, also helps in form filling for admissions in each stream (stream 1, stream 2, stream 3 & 4) of NIOS Board for 10th and 12th admission seekers. If you are seeking Nios Admission, SS Coaching NIOS lucknow centre can guide you with the admission process for all streams of NIOS Board.